Monday, August 2: Welcome and Introduction to Domains @ Grinnell
- 9:00–9:55 am: Welcome and Overview; Introductions; Domains Showcase … an exploration of some current domains and sites at Grinnell
- 10:00–10:55: Grinnell Faculty/Student Panel … a conversation with Celeste Miller, Todd Armstrong, and Nameera Muhammad Dawood about using Domains and WordPress for teaching and scholarship
- 11:00–12:00: Introduction to cPanel: Domain Spaces, Applications, File Manager
- 1:00–3:00 pm: Drop-in office hours
Tuesday, August 3: Domains and Sites for Digital Identity and Web Literacies
- 9:00–10:15 am: Conversation with Jim Groom (@jimgroom), co-founder of Reclaim Hosting (about)
- 10:20–11:00: Digital Identity, Web Literacy, and “How to Think Like the Web
- 11:05–12:00: Introduction to WordPress
- 1:00–3:00 pm: Drop-in office hours
Wednesday, August 4: Domains and Sites for Teaching and Learning
- 9:00–10:00 am: More fun with WordPress, and hands-on work time with your Domain
- 10:05–10:55: Other Applications in Your Domains Toolbox: Omeka, Scalar, Mediawiki
- 11:00–12:00: Conversation with Alan Levine (@cogdog), academic technologist and web maven (about)
- 1:00–3:00 pm: Drop-in office hours
Thursday, August 5: Domains and Sites for Research and Scholarship
- 9:00–10:00 am: Conversation with Martha Burtis (@mburtis, about) and Robin DeRosa (@actualham, about), Open Learning & Teaching Collaborative, Plymouth State University
- 10:05–11:00: Design Considerations for Your Sites: Accessibility, Intellectual Property, Privacy and Security, Analytics, and more
- 11:05–12:00: Revisiting Goals and Planning Ahead
- 1:00–3:00 pm: Drop-in office hours